Student Voice

TPIS Student Voice

The Student Voice system at TPIS is a developing and important aspect of school life which ensures that pupils here have a say in what matters to them the most. There will be two sections of the Student Voice with Year 1 – 6 for Primary and Year 7 – 13 for Secondary. The opportunity for interaction between students and staff through the Student Voice has a positive impact on relationships, attainment and discipline; the high level of pupil involvement helps students generally feel better integrated and motivated at TPIS. These essential underlying principles provide the basis for the current student voice system and contribute to a strong sense of community within the School. The essential underlying principles of the Learner Profile provide the basis for the student voice and contribute to a strong sense of community within the School.


  1. To give all pupils the opportunity to express their views and opinions, knowing that they will be listened to and considered.
  2. To share views and ideas with pupils from other year groups.
  3. To involve the whole community in developing and maintaining shared standards of behaviour.
  4. To give pupils the experience of creating new ideas, solving problems and achieving goals, within a community-based setting.

House and Vice Captains Years 7 – 11

A House Captain and Vice captain is elected collectively by the students of TPIS after completing hustings at the beginning of Term 1 Their role is very important.  These Student Leaders’ key responsibility is to assist in the development and maintainance of TPIS’s positive community spirit. House and Vice Captains are active members of the school, who are prepared to participate in a variety of differing areas/aspects of school life.  They value the rights of the individual but respect and uphold the importance of community beliefs and responsibilities.

Their role is to co-ordinate and lead inter-house and whole school activities.

House and Vice Captains are automatically part of the student voice.




Head Boy / Head Girl : Year 13
House Captains : x 3

Vice Captains x 3

Primary House Captains x3
Vice Captains: x 3

In order to create a balance of genders and year group representatives

Learning for Life 

All Secondary students would write a letter of application and these would then be shortlisted by the Heads of House to move forward to Hustings and Elections.

Hustings and Elections

Hustings would take place during an assembly slot and students would vote by  ballot supervised by the Heads of House.

Prefects (See prefect handbook)

Year 12 and 13 students will apply to become prefects and be assigned to duties at lunch or break time. The Assistant Deputy Head will be responsible for the duty rota, training and support for these roles.

House and Wellbeing Council Year 7 – 13

House Captains and Vice Captains form the Committee together with selected students to balance year group and gender views. They will endeavour to provide organisation and flair with house events based on the house system. This would include aspects of fundraising,and house events. Wellbeing is to represent the views of the entire pupil body and to continue to improve the quality of School life. This would include aspects of anti-bullying, Co Curricular Activities) CCA, catering and facilities etc. Members of the Wellbeing committee must be passionate Tara student who cares deeply about the school, should have excellent people, organisational skills and be committed to all the attributes of the Learner Profile.

Learning Council Year 7 and 13

The Learning council will help to ensure consistently outstanding Learning and Teaching at TPIS . Every student at TPIS  should enjoy their lessons and make maximum progress: working closely with the Head of Teaching and Learning, the Learning committee will help to ensure this. Their responsibilities will include the following:

  • Give feedback on the quality of learning at TPIS
  • Give feedback  on different topics (e.g. quality of Display, Praise,  etc.)
  • Give presentations to staff during CPD about student perspectives on Learning and Teaching
  • Give advice in relation to staff recruitment, assisting with staff selection and interviews
  • Give feedback to staff on their inquiry question.

Members of the Learning Council must be passionate about learning; creative and divergent in their thinking; an outstanding role model as a learner; diplomatic, polite and respectful towards staff; and committed to all the attributes of the TPIS  Learner Profile. Students will apply and be interviewed for the role.


The House and wellbeing and Learning Council are open to all years from year 7 – 13. The learning  committee will aim to consist of one student per year group. Students will apply and state their preferences for a committee.

The Head boy and Head girl will become the chairs of the student voice at TPIS .

The Head of Teaching and Learning / Deputy Head of School will oversee the Learning council and Assistant Deputy Head and Head of Houses the  House and Wellbeing Council.

Areas to be discussed:

  1. Student Well Being – Do you care about the wellbeing of your fellow students? If you are committed to the Learner Profile, and want to ensure all students enjoy their time here – from anti-bullying, healthy eating, uniform, to food in the canteen to facilities etc.
  2. Learning – How can learning be better? How can we support students with exams? Is there too much/little homework?
  3. Houses – Are you interested in making House competitions and school events including International Day as good as they can be? If you are excited by organising events and you can spread your enthusiasm throughout the school, think about applying for the House committee. We are looking for our team of House Captains, students with the energy and organisational skills to make the House system work brilliantly for every student.
  4. Charities – Are you interested in planning all the major charity events which take place during the school year?
  5. Environment and sustainability To foster an awareness and appreciation of environmental issues amongst students and to work towards making TPIS a more ecologically friendly and energy-efficient establishment.